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Graduate Profile

Knowledge of

Theoretical-conceptual and methodological approaches of a transdisciplinary nature, to analyze regional problems and their relevant relationships with the economic, political, social, environmental and cultural processes that produce them.
Regional phenomena according to a critical and reflective thinking for its analysis, synthesis, interpretation and transformation proposal.
The state of the question of the theoretical-methodological fields in the thematic areas:

  • Studies on culture.
  • Productive vocations and their social, economic and environmental impacts.
  • Regional and local expressions of politics and politics, and
  • Space, territory and region.


Skill for

  • Think and reflect on regional problems.
  • Understand the links and impacts of broad sociocultural processes in the region.
  • Use methodological tools and analytical tools for research.
  • Formulate and design strategies to transform local and regional processes; as well as optimize the decision-making processes.
  • Cooperation, teamwork and the coordination of research groups.
  • Conduct research projects in the field of regional studies.
  • Propose schemes for evaluating land use policies and impact on territorial social processes.
  • Transmit the knowledge acquired from their postgraduate training, as well as from their research experience.



  • Commitment to rigorous research and professional performance.
  • Critical and reflective spirit on regional issues.
  • Ethical awareness and social responsibility in the professional field.
  • Respect for the diversity of ideas.
  • Critical attitude for the permanent improvement of their abilities.