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Link to the site de la Universidad de Guadalajara

Mission - Vision


The career of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics, offered by the Centro Universitario de los Altos, Universidad de Guadalajara, is committed to contribute to the productive development of southern region of Los Altos de Jalisco, forming Veterinarians who will be able to propose alternatives to meet the needs of animal food quality, preserving animal health and to contribute to the good of the public health community.


By 2030, the Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics Degree:

  • Contributes to the productive and social development of the southern region of los Altos de Jalisco through the close relationship with the environment of the region.
  • It is characterized by the formation of professional competence based on being an innovative, flexible and multimodal model through the use of new technologies and learning process to date.
  • Promotes mobility through student exchanges.
  • Develops regular continuing education programs.
  • Has the quality certification by national and international accreditation organizations.