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Graduate profile


The graduate of the specialty: Develop their theoretical, conceptual, methodological and technical foundations to delve into the knowledge and application in relation to specific problems that correspond to the line of research you choose: Animal Production, Animal Management and Nutrition, Health and Animal Health .
He will have a management of concepts and knowledge about the theories and methods of the analysis of administrative-productive resources.
You will be able to organize and carry out research projects related to animal productivity.
He will develop the necessary skills that will allow him to enter the job market in a wide range of skills.

Master's degree

To have an integral formation in sustainable animal production and with specialization in its research area.
To have as strength their basic knowledge, biological and technological, and their training in scientific research, which provides flexibility in their work performance.
Have skills in business management, financial, and animal productivity.
Manage knowledge from the search for safety and food safety, traceability and care of the environment.